Obstetrician, Gynaecologist & Infertility Specialist
Dr G Kasturi, founder and Clinical Director of Bhoomi IVF Centre is a senior consultant Obstetrician, Gynaecologist, Infertility specialist and Obstetric Sonologist with 15 years of experience based in Bangalore. She graduated with MBBS degree from the Government Medical College Bangalore. She did her post-graduation in Obstetrics and Gynecology from the prestigious Government Medical College, Mysore. Immediately upon the completion of her studies, she was selected by the Government of Karnataka as a Gazetted Medical Officer for the ESI Corporation of India. As a medical officer, she worked in ESI Hospital, Rajajinagar Bangalore for its Obstetrics and Gynecology department as well as in dispensaries. While working in ESI, she successfully performed a number of deliveries and obstetric & gynecological surgeries. Later she resigned from ESI Corporation and began her private practice in Bangalore. During her private practice, she developed a special interest in the field of Infertility. So far she has treated many infertility patients and has an acknowledged high success rate. Having observed a keen need for counselling for couples in sexuality, she completed MS in Sexuality and Sexual counselling from Manasa foundation in collaboration with Kuvempu University, Shimoga. Her counselling benefitted many couples with a stress on clearing all their doubts, has earned her a good reputation among her patients.
In order to fine tune her skills in the field of infertility, she underwent a Clinician Training Course at National University of Singapore (NUS) under the guidance of the renowned Infertility specialist Prof. W C Wong of Singapore. Dr.Kasturi underwent Infertility training in IIRRH Bangalore. Dr Kasturi also completed her Diploma in Reproductive Medicine (DRM) from Kiel and Gottingen International School of Medicine, Germany.
After having studied various Infertility centres and labs, she decided to open a Centre for Infertility on par with those in a developed country, yet making it affordable to the Indian populace. Thus the idea of ‘Bhoomi IVF Centre’ was conceived. She intends to be honest and transparent in the practice of treating patients with infertility. Her motto is to make infertility treatments effective and affordable in India to both rural as well as to urban population. She also would like to extend her practice in treating foreign nationals with a view to making the best possible treatment across the world accessible to them in India.